Feng Shui

What is especially important with a Vital-Office® design from the Feng Shui viewpoint?

The balance of Yin und Yang, the 5 elements and the principle of comprehensiveness are especially important to us.

As a result of the balance of Yin und Yang elements in the environment, the dynamics of life are maintained, both in the personal and in the business management segment. This is comparable with an engine which simply runs smoothly. A one-sided predominance of Yin or Yang is on the other hand like an engine with a more or less strong error of balance.

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Written by 13 5月 2017 - 04:13:49

The principle of comprehensiveness is, for example, symbolized by the Five Elements.

A color as well as a form is attributed to each element. In addition, each element represents a specific characteristic. These characteristics stand both for personal human characteristics as well as for business management factors. If one or more elements are missing in an environment, the characteristics of the elements are also missing.

For this reason it is important to us that all elements are represented in each room.

However, the elements must not be present in the same weighting. One element can definitely be predominantly attributed to a room.

However, with offices we must consider especially, that an employee spends several years in the office and accordingly, is more powerfully moulded by this environment. It is therefore important that the other elements are also present at an appropriate weighting. We find a room in which there is balance of all the elements present, more complete and emotionally richer in interesting receptors. This principle of comprehensiveness leads us further to the principle of fullness and the endless possibilities ..a requirement for creativity.

It is best if several specialists work together for a professional Vital-Office design. We require an architect for the architectonic design and the partitioning of the rooms. Nevertheless, the work flows and the communication paths must be analyzed from a business management viewpoint and the architectonic design must be aligned with this in conformity with function. Therefore, we need a business management expert. A qualified office designer is required for the ergonomic planning of the office workplaces. From an ergonomic viewpoint a great deal of empathy is required, in order to ensure the necessary security at each workplace, for example, in the form of protection from behind. Another specialist is required for the planning of the lighting.

We have still not reached the end with this. For the special enrichment of the premises through colors and forms we need a special creative team like, Graphic Design, Art, Color Design and Feng Shui.

And that is the special quality in Vital-Office. We work with a team of specialists and offer our clients an integral solution which works.



A meticulous and holistic design of the working environment, however, can promote creativeness and significantly contribute to the wellbeing of body and mind. This design also promotes

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