Displaying items by tag: 卖场商品

星期六, 29 11月 2014 01:00

实竹办公系列推柜(Sitwell 系列)

全实竹3抽推柜,18mm 碳化侧压实竹,咖啡色,绿色环保,进口植物油涂层,保留实木材质天然的材料质感,哑光而易于打理。宽深高:356x600x585mm. 所有抽屉均采用绿色环保实竹,托底隐藏缓冲导轨,中央锁和黑色刹车脚轮。

Published in 竹办公
星期六, 29 11月 2014 01:00

可升降实竹洽谈桌A09 (Sitwell 系列)

苹果桌面洽谈桌。宽深高:WDH: 905x828x720-1100mm. 18mm 3层碳化侧压实竹桌面,进口植物油涂层,健康环保;高度可调节气杆升降圆柱脚,白色或黑色+电镀分色组合,满足站立式办公;满足坐立两用的多功能会议边桌。

Published in 竹办公
星期六, 29 11月 2014 01:00

实竹办公桌 Joker 210 (Sitwell 系列)

超大桌面空间的极致工作享受。宽深高:2100x1049x720-930mm. 人体工学弧形桌面,18mm 3层碳化侧压实竹,咖啡色材质,天然植物油涂层,健康环保。高度可调节简洁的T形铝桌脚,黑色或者白色+电镀色分色系统。能带给您健康的福利办公桌。 Vtial-Office专利弧形造型能极大地提高空间利用率。不同于方桌的对称性摆放,Joker弧形桌适应不同空间场合,毫无违和感。通过弧形角度的 调整达到最优的风水布局和最佳的隐私保护及开阔视野。

Published in 竹办公
星期六, 29 11月 2014 01:00

实竹办公桌 Joker 191 (Sitwell 系列)

最佳办公尺寸 宽深高: 1910x1005x720-930mm. Vital-Office 人体工学弧形办公桌桌面,18mm 绿色环保3层碳化侧压实竹,咖啡色,自然植物油涂层处理,黑色或白色+电镀高度可调节T型铝合金桌架,能带给您健康的 福利办公桌。Vtial-Office专利弧形造型能极大地提高空间利用率。不同于方桌的对称性摆放,Joker弧形桌适应不同空间场合,毫无违和感。通 过弧形角度的调整达到最优的风水布局和最佳的隐私保护及开阔视野。

Published in 竹办公
星期六, 29 11月 2014 01:00

实竹办公桌 Joker 168 (sitwell 系列)

买得起的入门级家庭和商用办公桌。宽深高: 1686 x 897 x 720-930mm. 人体工学弧形桌面,18mm 3层碳化侧压实竹,咖啡色材质,天然植物油涂层,健康环保。高度可调节简洁的T形铝桌脚,黑色或者白色+电镀色分色系统。能带给您健康的福利办公桌。 Vtial-Office专利弧形造型能极大地提高空间利用率。不同于方桌的对称性摆放,Joker弧形桌适应不同空间场合,毫无违和感。通过弧形角度的 调整达到最优的风水布局和最佳的隐私保护及开阔视野。

Published in 竹办公
星期五, 24 10月 2014 10:00

Vital-Office Schreibtisch Joker e-style Dekor

Original Ergonomie und Feng Shui optimierte Vital-Office Schreibtische für Home Office und Büro. Antrophometrisch runde Vital-Office Schreibtischplatte. Ein Schreibtisch zum Wohlfühlen. Extrem platzsparend durch die flächeneffiziente Vital-Office Rundform. Passt harmonisch in Räume, wo ein gerader Schreibtisch in gleicher Größe nicht mehr passen würde. Beliebige Drehwinkel ermöglichen optimale Feng Shui Positionen mit Backing und Übersicht.


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A new development with low costs but at the same time highly efficient in sound absorption: A beautiful opportunity to bring together design and function are the solid wood bamboo frames, in which vitAcoustic panels can be clipped without tools and easily removed and replaced. At home, in the office and even in public buildings, this creates appealing and highly absorbent wall decorations with at the same time pleasant room acoustics. The system can be extended at any time and with it the desired sound absorption. Very individual ideas can be implemented by printing the panels with ornaments, personal photos or company slogans. The filigree frames are made of solid bamboo and are available in three sizes and thicknesses. Thus, a three-dimensional design effect of the wall can be achieved.

Für die meisten von uns entfacht sich die Begeisterung erst dann, wenn man ein fertiges Originalprodukt in den Händen hält und es mit all seinen Sinnen erleben kann.

Deshalb möchten wir Ihnen heute auch die Gelegenheit geben, ein vitAcoustic Frame Set in sieben möglichen Farben bei uns für einen attraktiven Kennenlern-Preis zu erwerben. Reservieren Sie dem Rahmenset ein kleines Wandstück in Ihrem Büro, Ihrer Location oder zuhause und lassen Sie Qualität, Farbe und Funktionalität dieses ansprechenden Produkts auf sich und Ihre Kunden, Kollegen und Freunde wirken. Reservieren Sie Ihr Frameset mit Ihren Farben zum Super Kennenlernpreis am Besten noch heute. Das Angebot ist zeitlich beschränkt.

Due to the special method of conservation of Island Moss and Hill (Upholstery Moss), the natural materials retain their fresh green, and the moss images and walls do not require artificial light or care or fertilization. VitAcoustic absorber are used as carrier material, which are highly sound absorbing, flame retardant (B1), insensitive to moisture and pliable for use in the 3d frame. We also realize more complex customer requests, such as the dressing of pillars and special design objects according to architect design. The evergreen elements have a particularly impressive effect when different types of moss and coloured vitAcoustic absorber are combined. In view of our manual and filigree production, we are literally a manufactory. Our Moss products are made entirely in Germany. Our Moss is certified to import to China!

Fragrant real hay, hay flowers and mosses applied directly to vitAcoustic absorber plates. Another versatile way of experiencing real natural products with all senses (seeing, touching, smelling). The special patented preservation and coating method opens up completely new design options. And the vitAcoustic natural-coated absorber plates can be used in all vitAcoustic applications, such as 3d frames, acoustic roller shutter cabinets, panel curtains for room division and flexible partitions and partitions. Made to measure: natural elements transparent or semi-transparent on colored vitAcoustic absorber plates. Design your individual acoustic nature picture with the 19 vitAcoustic colors and real hay, hay flowers and moss. You can choose between opaque and transparent. For projects, we also offer individual adjustments, eg semi-transparent. Very individual ideas can be implemented by coating the panels with various genuine natural materials such as hay, hay flowers and moss.

第3页 共4页

German furniture manufacturing

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]



International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]


Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]


 Wechat ID: Vital-Office



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