With many nice holiday memories in our luggage, we would like to start with you again after the summer break and live the last quarter of the year successfully and creatively. We have again realized valuable projects with some of our partners, which we would like to introduce to you as an inspiration, as well as some remarkable acoustic products:
Bald ist Weihnachten! Da möchten wir Ihnen gerne eine Freude machen und Sie mit einem kleinen Geschenk überraschen. Stöbern Sie nach Herzenslust auf unserer Internetseite und erfüllen Sie sich mit unserem Geschenkgutschein über 26% einen Vital-Office Wunsch.
Elliptical under Table Ergometer with Bluetooth interface to fitness apps that you can easily connect and loosen with your office chair. Set pedal resistance and you can move and stay fit as much as you want.
The elliptical tread is so gentle and natural that your upper body and muscles are completely free for precise work on the mouse and keyboard. A great feeling. Your hand movements to the mouse or keyboard are just as accurate as usual. (It doesn't wobble!)
Easily transportable by a light weight of only 14.5 kg and reels. Simply lift and move to the next place. The smallest dimensions ensure that the device does not interfere with the table and that you are still free in your usual working movements.
Keep in motion - be healthy and fit - all while working at your desk, reading, writing, playing computer games, watching TV, but also while chilling, surfing, playing games, eating, and much more.
activeLife trainer is an under-desk elliptical exercise machine to which you can easily connected your office chair by placing one of its wheels into the connecting plate. When done, undo the connection simply by rollring your chair out. With the built-in Android and Apple iOS compatible Bluetooth smart sensor, you will stay motivated by tracking and sharing your activeLife Trainer work outs.
What quality markers does activeLife Trainer have? Is this a basic home-use mini elliptical? Is it built to 'light commercial' exercise machine standards? Actually, despite its compact dimensions, activeLife Trainer is an under-desk elliptical trainer which is 100% built to commercial exercise machine quality standards.Its frame is fully welded from thick gauge steel, top quality ball bearings are used throughout, and to minimize noise, roller wheels run on sound absorbing pads. ActiveLife Trainer also has the type of high tech features usually only found on commercial grade machines, including a fully iPhone and Android compatible Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensor which also works with many fitness tracking wristbands .
In der Entwicklung von activeLife Trainer stand von Anfang an die Bekämpfung von Bewegungsmangel im Vordergrund. Wir haben uns mit unseren Forschungsprojekten sowohl auf Primärprävention bei Büroangestellten aber auch auf Sekundärprävention bei Menschen mit Übergewicht konzentriert. Fachartikel und weitere Quellenangaben zu diesem Thema finden Sie auf http://www.vital-office.de/activelifetrainer. Da aber Bewegungsförderung auch in der Tertiärprävention / Reha oft indiziert ist, ist es in der Tat so, dass Patienten diesen elliptischen Untertischergometer in den USA und anderen Ländern häufig auch für Rehabilitations Zwecke verwenden. Dabei ist immer wichtig Rücksprache mit ihrem Arzt halten, bevor Sie ein Programm zur Bewegungsförderung beginnen.
ActiveLifeTrainer - FAQ questions and answers:
You have questions about activeLife Trainer™? We have answers! Worried about whether you are in good enough shape for a workout at your desk? Wondering if you might sweat using activeLife Trainer™ at work? Wondering if using activeLife Trainer™ might be bad for your joints? … or whether you might lose weight using activeLife Trainer™? … here are the answers:
Before you begin to use your new Active Motion Seating Machine, please unpack and assemble it. Then you’re ready to place it in a convenient location under your desk and / or in front of an armchair or other chair. For your safety and enjoyment, please be sure to read, follow, and understand all the instructions in this manual.
For thousands of years, human work naturally involved physical movement. Ailments such as high blood pressure and diabetes are virtually unknown in hunting and gathering societies, but modern humans are at great risk of developing them. ActiveLife Trainer’s product philosophy is to restore the freedom of physical movement in modern office work settings. With activeLife Trainer, office workers can leisurely stroll through the work day. This under desk elliptical exercise machine’ has a product design which pays tribute to the ancient “Yin-Yang” symbol which signifies overcoming seeming contradictions to signal the symbiosis of mental and physical activity.
One internationally patented feature that’s unique to activeLife Trainer is the office-chair connection plate with its four openings. But what’s the point? Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that for every force, there is an equal force in the opposing direction. Applied to physical exercise on a mini elliptical or mini cycle, this means that if you push your feet against it - which you’ll do automatically when you use it - the machine will push back at you with an equal force. And if you sit on an office chair with wheels, as soon as you use such a mini machine, in no time at all, you’ll find yourself propelled away from the exercise machine. But by hooking one of the office chair wheels into one of the four connection plate openings, users of activeLife trainer avoid this common problem because the chair securely connects to allow hours of healthy and trouble free use.
Hervorragende Dämmeigenschaften sowohl diffusionsoffene Wärmedämmung und A-Klasse Schall Absorption sind hier zu einem Doppelnutzen kombiniert. Dazu kommt die optisch schöne und hochwertige dekorative Gestaltung mit 19 verschiedenen Farben und vielen eingravierten Texturen. Darüber hinaus kann auch eine individuelle Bedruckung besondere Akzente setzten.
Wahlweise mit Holzfaser Dämmplatten oder absolut emissionsfreien PET Dämmplatten im Verbund mit dekorativer vitAcoustic Fliesenplatte.
Die Fertigung erfolgt auf Maß, so dass vor Ort kein Zuschnitt notwendig ist und daher auch kein Dreck vor Ort entsteht. Damit ist auch eine schnelle Verlegung, bzw. Montage gewährleistet.
回声使在 Malsch 的青年援助 Waldhaus/瓦德学校的舞厅几乎不可能使用。回声, 或声音的反射是如此之高, 没有什么可以理解。
但它接缝: EnBW #MacherBus 支持青年援助 Waldhaus 不仅财政上在承购新的酣然的吸收的元素, 而且 EnBW 制造商接管元素的附上。与新的房间音响措施, 森林房子学校的孩子能再使用大厅在和平。
重要办公室也支持这个项目, 交付 vitAcoustic 框架为最佳的酣然的吸收并且带领了大会。
Sound, light and color - an exciting combination. Acoustics are combined with light. Light is built into sound absorbing material. An infinite number of beautiful products in many colors and shapes appear in the light. Form, function, design and joie de vivre - everything is shown in one.
An absolutely exciting new world for designers, architects and users. We have compiled the result of the new modular product ideas for the international trade fair Orgatec 2022 in Cologne here:
Our manufacturing facility is well equipped and competent to realize your ideas. Simply phone or email us at +49 7248 93566-90 / [email protected]
A remarkable acoustic optimized school project. Through professional consultation by Delhom acoustique the classrooms and corridors have large sound absorbing surfaces. Besides the ceiling, at least 1 wall was made with vitAcoustic wall absorbers.
Nicely integrated in the overall bamboo design by gmp · International GmbH (Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner).
The target was, that the kids can calm down and concentrate better in a quite and sound optimized acoustic environment. Whoever will visit this school will hear the difference and will want to sit down for a while and relax.
This project has been a challenge for our teams, because of the very very short delivery time for 3 floors, 30x classrooms with corridor and classroom inbuilt furniture, receptions desks, library, kitchen furniture, water dispenser, acoustic flower pots in PAC and much more.
高吸水性的柔性 vitAcoustic 吸音器百叶窗橱柜转换障碍成高效的宽带吸收 cost-effectively。遵循 microperforation 的原则, 纺织 vitAcoustic 板, 结合一个腔体 (内阁内部), 发展几乎线性宽带吸收, 特别是在语言相关领域。vitAcoustic 百叶窗, 可在多达50种颜色, 通常比可比 PVC 百叶窗便宜。
宜人安静的房间气氛, 具有良好的语音清晰度。
更便宜和更环保的替代 PVC 百叶窗有或没有声学功能
大颜色选择, 更具设计灵活性
该材料是 E0, B1 和可回收 (PET)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.
Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für den Innenausbau und Möbelbau mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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