Dear … ,
It was a pleasure meeting so much people at our Forum on 26th Mai 2015.
What is your opinion? Do you see possibilities working together?
Based on our expertise in Feng Shui, ergonomics and management, we can provide diligent design and project services for corporate office interiors in a time saving way for our clients, designers and architects.
Wherever your next office is, we collaborate with you to select exactly which combination of our work is most useful for your project. Working for designers and architects, we facilitate your design ideas to meet ergonomics, Feng-Shui and modular furniture parts with 3d renderings.
We perceive office design as inspiration and interaction on all levels. From the basics of ease of use (ergonomics) to stimulation of social interaction, collaboration and communication. Leverage stimulating design powers to generate "feel good" office environments that foster real transformation into team working powers. The Vital-Office standard design products derive from our conceptual design work and facilitate the requirements defined for Your office concept.
Don't hesitate to get a quote. Simply call or email us :)
Peter Jordan
Here you will find the presentations held and additional literature / references and reviews and comments: (Scroll down)
Statistics like Gallup show how difficult it is to achieve business excellence and a self-learning organization with engaged employees and team working. Well engineered factories are half of the success. Neglecting the importance of office design results in a rigid, restriction driven organization. All Statistics and TQM studies show that Team working is the main key to sustainable success. To achieve team working in our offices, we need overcome the Cartesian division and perceive the organization as integral system (likewise in Business excellence). Feng Shui, in the selected and scientifically analyzed way of the Vital-Office Concept offers practical methods to analyze and implement working organizational structures with the help of environmental stimulation towards attitude, quality, collaboration and Team work.
In the extended seminars we go in depth and outline practical methods and examples and participants receive a certificate for attending the course.
We have finished this forum and seminar successfully and people are quite responsed and like the topic of Fengshui Office design and TQM business excellence.
Business excellence and it’s correlation to Feng Shui. Statistics like Gallup show how difficult it is to achieve business excellence and a self-learning organization with engaged employees and team working. Well engineered factories are half of the success. Neglecting the importance of office design results in a rigid, restriction driven organization. All Statistics and TQM studies show that Team working is the main key to sustainable success. To achieve team working in our offices, we need overcome the Cartesian division and perceive the organization as integral system (likewise in Business excellence).
Feng Shui, in the selected and scientifically analyzed way of the Vital-Office Concept offers practical methods to analyze and implement working organizational structures with the help of environmental stimulation towards attitude, quality, collaboration and Team work. In this extended seminar we will go in depth and outline practical methods and examples. Participants receive a certificate for attending this course.
Network partners are independent architects, interior designers, designers, design and Feng Shui consultant, as well as retailers and other source of contacts for Vital Office services and Vital Office products. Network partners make their profile entries, and other project posts themselves. Vital Office provides this platform, so that the diversity of the Vital Office concept in cooperation with various professions is published.
The first Kohlbecker building was called „The Human Factory“. Because Karl Kohlbecker wanted to ensure that a good quality of life does not end at the factory gates. That‘s a kind thought. And an entrepreneurial one: because when people feel comfortable, everything runs better. Quality increases, processes become faster, the work succeeds.
No compromises have been made in the equipment of each individual desk workstation. All components are individually adaptable to humans. Due to the special geometry of the desk, very advantageous workplace groupings result. The offset of the tables to each other is very pleasant. Direct counterparts are avoided. Instead, harmoniously spacious rooms are created between the desks.
For craftsmen we offer sheets with V-cut. These sheets are flexible and can be used for curved applications, like round reception desk, column covers, tambour doors and much more. The sheets are customized according your requirements on design and curve radius.
高吸水性的柔性 vitAcoustic 吸音器百叶窗橱柜转换障碍成高效的宽带吸收 cost-effectively。遵循 microperforation 的原则, 纺织 vitAcoustic 板, 结合一个腔体 (内阁内部), 发展几乎线性宽带吸收, 特别是在语言相关领域。vitAcoustic 百叶窗, 可在多达50种颜色, 通常比可比 PVC 百叶窗便宜。
宜人安静的房间气氛, 具有良好的语音清晰度。
更便宜和更环保的替代 PVC 百叶窗有或没有声学功能
大颜色选择, 更具设计灵活性
该材料是 E0, B1 和可回收 (PET)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.
Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für den Innenausbau und Möbelbau mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.
Schon lange mit uns auf dem Weg und immer wieder in sehr angenehmer Zusammenarbeit sind wir mit unserem Kunden Kunz-Schulze Immobilien. Sicher liegt das auch daran, dass Teile seiner Firmenphilosophie wie „Der Mensch steht bei uns im Vordergrund“ oder "wir leben unseren Beruf mit ganzem Herzen“ den unseren so ähnlich sind. Mit diesem Hintergrund machten wir uns an die Arbeit und entwarfen mit dem kreativen Team von Kunz Schulze Immobilien zusammen, ein sehr edles, modernes und lebendiges Büro, welches bis hin zu den eingesetzten Vital-Office (Möbel) Produkten das Firmenbild spürbar macht. "Die Qualität unserer Arbeitsumgebung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Arbeit" - Unsere ergonomischen Tische wurden aus einer Kombination von nachhaltigem massivem Bambus und Linoleum gefertigt, Die benötigten Aktenschränke erhielten eine schlichte Dekorfläche und wurden einseitig mit einer Bambusrahmen-/Akustik 3d-frames Konstruktion beplankt, um gleichzeitig ein angenehm raumakustisches Klima zu schaffen. Als zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Elemente wurden unsere Akustikmatten in Rollcontainern sowie Sichtschutzblenden der Schreibtische verarbeitet. Große Pflanztröge sorgen für ein gesundes Raumklima.
回声使在 Malsch 的青年援助 Waldhaus/瓦德学校的舞厅几乎不可能使用。回声, 或声音的反射是如此之高, 没有什么可以理解。
但它接缝: EnBW #MacherBus 支持青年援助 Waldhaus 不仅财政上在承购新的酣然的吸收的元素, 而且 EnBW 制造商接管元素的附上。与新的房间音响措施, 森林房子学校的孩子能再使用大厅在和平。
重要办公室也支持这个项目, 交付 vitAcoustic 框架为最佳的酣然的吸收并且带领了大会。
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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