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Feng Shui

Live energy Qi (Chi) in Feng Shui

Qi is the basic energy for all life. Effects of the vital energy Qi are, for example: vitality, capability, concentration, intuition, creativity, defence capacity of the immune system, disassociation capacity with respect to psychically weakening external factors, tolerance of stress and the state of mind.

A distinction is made between “Body-Qi”, the Qi concept of traditional Chinese medicine and the space and landscape Qi, which is directed by Feng Shui techniques:

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Written by 13 5月 2017 - 04:17:26

In Feng Shui the following characteristics of Qi are defined:

  • Qi arises in nature with the tendency to flow back to it.
  • Qi follows the electro-/bio-magnetic tracks of humans and other living creatures. (Qi paths develop)
  • Qi has a natural inertia / A certain time remains for the Qi flow. (Qi flows in through the doors and along the paths used.)
  • Qi is attracted by other bio-magnetic fields and flowing water. (people, plants, animals and fountains divert the Qi.)

There is so-called bad Qi, which arises when the energy flows in long straight lines. Then it speeds up too much, becomes too intensive and changes into the negative. Stagnation of the energy is just as  negative as an energy flow which is too intensive.

There is nothing worse than rooms stacked full with sharp edged items of furniture and with “dead” dusty corners. Energy blockades develop. Standing Qi becomes bad and junk contaminates the Qi.

Good Qi:

  • The energy of life, Qi, should always circulate in gently curved or circular movement.
  • Think of a stream or river which carves its way through the landscape in wave-like meanders.
  • This, of course, is how the energy flow in the office should be.



A meticulous and holistic design of the working environment, however, can promote creativeness and significantly contribute to the wellbeing of body and mind. This design also promotes

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